Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ricotta Part One: Making Ricotta

A few weeks ago Dominicks had milk on sale for $.99 per gallon.  This seemed like a great deal and the perfect excuse to try my hand at cheese making, something I had been wanting to try for a while. 

In my excitement I came home and in the midst of a million other holiday projects decided to try and make mozzarella.  I read the recipe (eHow Mozzarella), gathered my ingredients and set to work.  The first part of the recipe seemed pretty easy and then needed rest time so I figured I would be fine starting the recipe a few hours before I was supposed to head out to a Holiday party.  Wrong!  So, I find myself in my party dress, ready to head out the door and notice that my "cheese" is still nothing more than milk in a pan when it should have been much more solidified.

Luckily for me the party was right across the hall.  I figured I would just let the "cheese" continue to sit over a low heat and check on it every once in awhile and headed out the door with my signature sangria and cookie plate offering.

An hour went by, no cheese, another hour and still no cheese.  In the midst of going between my condo and my neighbor's I managed to meet another party guest who had made cheese with his grandmother and offered to come take a look.  Together we decided that it just needed more time and low and behold, about 12 hours after starting the process I had what looked like cottage cheese!

This was great, except that I did not intend to make cottage cheese.  In the end, my recipe turned out to be Ricotta, I honestly have no idea why, but it actually turned out quite good and I ended up with about 6 cups of fat-free ricotta which tastes really good and only cost a little over $1 to make! 

The moral of the story?  Try this recipe.  If you make mozzarella please share your secret!  Otherwise I would recommend skipping all of the hassle of trying to make a formed cheese and going straight for a easy ricotta recipe such as this one from

What will I do with 6 cups of fat-free Ricotta?  Stay tuned for Ricotta Part Two!

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